Entity References

Every single entity relation is mapped to an entity reference. Reference is an entity that has only its identifier. This reference is stored in identity map so you will get the same object reference when fetching the same document from database.

You can call await entity.init() to initialize the entity. This will trigger database call and populate itself, keeping the same reference in identity map.

const author = orm.em.getReference('...id...');
console.log(author.id); // accessing the id will not trigger any db call
console.log(author.isInitialized()); // false
console.log(author.name); // undefined

await author.init(); // this will trigger db call
console.log(author.isInitialized()); // true
console.log(author.name); // defined

Better Type-safety with Reference<T> Wrapper

When you define @ManyToOne and @OneToOne properties on your entity, TypeScript compiler will think that desired entities are always loaded:

export class Book implements IdEntity<Book> {

  id!: number;

  author!: Author;

  constructor(author: Author) {
    this.author = author;


const book = await orm.em.findOne(Book, 1);
console.log(book.author instanceof Author); // true
console.log(book.author.isInitialized()); // false
console.log(book.author.name); // undefined as `Author` is not loaded yet

You can overcome this issue by using the Reference<T> wrapper. It simply wraps the entity, defining load(): Promise<T> method that will first lazy load the association if not already available. You can also use unwrap(): T method to access the underlying entity without loading it.

You can also use get<K extends keyof T>(prop: K): Promise<T[K]> helper, that will call load() for you, making sure the entity is initialized first, then returning the value of given property directly.

import { Entity, IdentifiedReference, ManyToOne, PrimaryKey, Reference } from 'mikro-orm';

export class Book implements IdEntity<Book> {

  id!: number;

  author!: IdentifiedReference<Author>;

  constructor(author: Author) {
    this.author = Reference.create(author);


const book = await orm.em.findOne(Book, 1);
console.log(book.author instanceof Reference); // true
console.log(book.author.isInitialized()); // false
console.log(book.author.name); // type error, there is no `name` property
console.log(book.author.unwrap().name); // undefined as author is not loaded
console.log((await book.author.get('name'))); // ok, loading the author first
console.log((await book.author.load()).name); // ok, author already loaded
console.log(book.author.unwrap().name); // ok, author already loaded

Assigning to Reference Properties

When you define the property as Reference wrapper, you will need to assign the Reference to it instead of the entity. You can create it via Reference.create() factory, or use wrapped parameter of em.getReference():

const book = await orm.em.findOne(Book, 1);
const repo = orm.em.getRepository(Author);

book.author = repo.getReference(2, true);

// same as:
book.author = Reference.create(repo.getReference(2));
await orm.em.flush();

What is IdentifiedReference?

IdentifiedReference is an intersection type that adds primary key property to the Reference interface. It allows to get the primary key from Reference instance directly.

By default it defines the PK property as id, you can override this via second generic type argument.

const book = await orm.em.findOne(Book, 1);
console.log(book.author.id); // ok, returns the PK

You can also have non-standard primary key like uuid:

export class Book implements IdEntity<Book> {

  id!: number;

  author!: IdentifiedReference<Author, 'uuid'>;


const book = await orm.em.findOne(Book, 1);
console.log(book.author.uuid); // ok, returns the PK

For MongoDB, defined the PK generic type argument as 'id' | '_id' to access both string and ObjectId PK values:

export class Book implements MongoEntity<Book> {

  _id!: ObjectId;

  id!: string;

  author!: IdentifiedReference<Author, 'id' | '_id'>;


const book = await orm.em.findOne(Book, 1);
console.log(book.author.id); // ok, returns string PK
console.log(book.author._id); // ok, returns ObjectId PK

As opposed to Entity.init() which always refreshes the entity, Reference.load() method will query the database only if the entity is not already loaded in Identity Map.

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